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Lunr BIM

The BIM space is moving quickly as a number of enterprise sites seek to incorporate models and IFCs into their working processes. It’s often the case that incumbent systems competently manage 2D engineering documentation, but you need somewhere to store the small but growing number of models as your organisation receives them.

There are many features of the Cloud platform that assist with BIM:

  • Scalable (unlimited) storage
  • Streaming of large model data for viewing
  • External upload by design teams
  • Accessibility from different locations
  • Low latency (high performance) based on configurable geographic hosting location
  • Leveraging the cyber security associated with the hosting platform, such as Azure or AWS
  • Managed services such as backup and recovery

With the ability to view and markup a number of these formats, including point cloud, Navisworks, and Revit, Lunr is well-placed to store and manage BIM/IFC as a standalone solution, or as an accompaniment to your existing on-premise system.

While we have a number of sites using Lunr as the entire solution for 2D and BIM, we also utilise Lunr connectors to integrate with a number of systems and supplement existing functionality with Lunr BIM.

The best way to experience this is to set up a Lunr trial and upload some models. Our team is ready to work with you on getting started with Lunr to test suitability for your organisation. Please get in touch to start the discussion today.